Revelation 21 & 22
What happens when you die? Where does the human soul go? What do people experience after death? These questions have been asked by humans since time began. Many proposals about the nature of life after death have been made. Atheists generally don’t believe in any existence after death. Since by definition, they don’t believe in God or a god, they conclude that once the human body dies, the soul or spirit dies with it. But many other religious traditions point to some form of life or paradise following death. A Buddhist aims to reach Nirvana when the self has been completely annihilated. A new age or scientology adherent claim that those who die attain some sort of god-like status. Terrorist groups motivate young men to suicide bombing by promises of paradise and many virgins. Very often, I hear people at funerals say that the deceased is in “a better place”.
What do you believe? Is there life after death? What will it be like? And does it matter in any way for our lives today? The Christian faith has a lot to say about life after death. Throughout the Bible, we see increasing clarity about life after death. The last 2 chapters of the Bible contain the ultimate description of this life. We go there today to conclude the series from Revelation.