A wedding can be a truly remarkable event. But it doesn’t just happen. A newly engaged couple and their families make all kinds of preparations for the wedding day. They must book a pastor to officiate; find a church that will host the ceremony; book a venue for the dinner; compile a guest list; send out invitations; get a wedding dress or have one made; find bridesmaids and groomsmen; plan the wedding menu; make seating arrangements; plan the ceremony; get decorations and flowers and on it goes. The bride, groom and their families put in great effort to make a wedding into a meaningful and joyful celebration. But those invited also need to prepare. First they must respond to the invitation. They must communicate that they plan to attend. Then they must make preparations to attend. This may involve making travel plans. Arranging accommodation. Budgeting some money. Booking time off work. Purchasing a wedding gift. Putting clothes together to wear to the wedding. Actually showing up.