Revelation 6
How do you feel about the judgment of God? What does the portrayal of God as judge do to your relationship with Him? What rises up in you? Fear? Anger towards God? Indignation that God would be like that? Dismissal – if God is like that you want nothing to do with Him? Disbelief – I refuse to believe in a God who would judge people? Comfort – Thank God He will one day judge?
The passage we’re looking at today in Revelation will show us that God’s final judgment unfolds as the Lamb opens the six seals. Remember the scroll and the seven seals we learned about last week in Revelation 5? But before we can even look at this unfolding of God’s judgment I felt it necessary for us to ponder some questions about God’s judgment. Why might we struggle with God’s judgment? Why can’t He just help us make it through life or leave us alone to live our lives? Many people struggle with God’s judgment. Maybe you do or someone close to you does.