In Luke 9:23–24, Jesus says, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it.”

Our Mission ~ Why We Exist

To glorify God by making Disciples of Jesus Christ at home and internationally.

SVBC Values

  • A personal relationship with Christ
  • God’s Word as the ultimate authority
  • Unity within the fellowship of believers
  • Authentic, caring relationships
  • Prayer

The Church Covenant contains more information on what the members of SVBC believe.

SVBC Purpose (Vision) Story

We strive to be a church that loves God and serves others, so that lives are changed!

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and with all your mind .. and your neighbour as yourselves"  Matt. 22:37,39

We strive to be a church that loves God

... because God loves us, our appropriate response is to love Him, obey His Words and live lives that reflect His love for others.

and serves others

... we want to foster a supportive community that cares for those within our church family, as well as those in St. Albert, the greater Edmonton area and our world.  One of the best ways to grow in our walk with God is by serving others.

so that lives are changed!

... as God is changing our lives, we also join with Him in seeing the lives of many others changed. God works to change lives, for His glory!

A more detailed explanation on our Vision Statement is available to download below. 

Sturgeon Valley Baptist Church (SVBC) was a church extension project of the Alberta Baptist Association (ABA) of the North American Baptist Conference (NABC).

Below you will find downloadable versions of SVBC's:

  • Statement of Faith
  • Statement on Marriage
  • On Worship document