
James 1:19-20
This is Not Good for My Rage

James 1:19-20

So Andrea and I were sailing a few weeks ago, and we had been on the water for a little while, and we finally came across this little island we were looking for. We had found a treasure map and once we got to this little island, we lowered the anchor and started trying to figure out where the treasure might be. We ended up digging holes in a bunch a places before finally we heard that satisfying clunk of our shovel hitting the box. We dug up this beat up looking chest, and put it on the boat. Then we got back on the island to get more supplies before we were to head out. But while we were on this island, another boat pulls up, and a guy hops onto our boat – takes the chest and leaves – I kid you not- a barrel of gunpowder on our boat. Once he’s on his boat he detonates it and makes off with our chest. Our boat sinks, and Andrea and I are marooned there. Now it’s not a big deal, because it was just a video game, but after that Andrea and I got really angry. Like out of proportion angry. We calmed down and kept playing – reminding ourselves that it’s just a video game, no one was cheating, it’s not real life. But we were both just so irritated from the game that we were really testy with each other after that. Even after we stopped playing, I found myself easily frustrated with small things at home. I had to keep reminding myself how silly it was that I was feeling so easily angered because of a 30 minute video game moment. It was ridiculous. As I wanted to snap at my family, I kept remembering the verse in Ephesians 4 that says “in your anger, do not sin”. Anger is just such a wicked and dangerous thing.