John 15:1-11
This past week, when I was driving to work I heard part of a message on the radio by a speaker named Charles Price. It had some great insights that I thought would be relevant to our Vision 2025, asking God for 250 new believers in Christ. But I’m driving. I can’t take notes. I don’t have a photographic memory. I only heard part of the message. I don’t even know the title. So at the end of the broadcast, they say something like for a copy of this message call this number or go to our website Living Truth.
So I go on this website and there is nothing that really refers to the radio program. They have videos but they are of the current pastor of Peoples Church in Toronto where Charles Price used to be the pastor. I click on the resources tab but I don’t know the title of what I listened to. I tried searching their site. I typed in a key word or two I remembered from the message. No results. Though they had an online store, since I didn’t know the title or the series, I couldn’t find it.
So then I thought I would go to the radio station’s website to see if they kept a record of the title and message played. So I go on their website and the only thing there I can find is their schedule. So I click on schedule and I find their weekly schedule with whoever is speaking. I go to Tuesday and find Charles Price at 830 AM. Yes that is the one I listened to. I click on that link and I am getting excited. But the link just lists the times Charles Price is heard on the radio station. And at the top of the page they have this statement – For more information on Living Truth with Charles Price go to – where do you think they sent me – Living Truth where I couldn’t find the actual message.
Now I know the Living Truth people weren’t lying at the end of the program about the availability of this message. I’m sure it’s somewhere. But the instructions turned out to be vague and too general. There were no clear steps on where to actually find that specific message.
The same can be true when it comes to describing the Christian life. If someone asked you “Can you tell me what the Christian life is all about,” how would you answer? Or say some friend of yours has received Christ. They have become a Christian. Then they ask you “so now what do I do?”