2 Timothy 3:10-17
Sometimes life is pretty rough. A lot of you are experiencing that right now as I look around this room and see your faces. Some of you face challenging difficult work situations. Many have parenting concerns. Some of you have health problems that have gotten worse or have taken a lot out of you. Some of you have aging parents and wonder how much longer you will have with them. Some are in the early days of bereavement after the passing of a loved one. Some of you wonder about your marriage or your life direction. Maybe you’re having a hard time adjusting to your school. Some of you have concerns no one knows about except God.
When life gets rough, it can test our faith. We may wonder where God is or what He’s up to. We may be shaken or wonder if we can keep going. That is quite scary when we have little energy or we come to the end of our resources. Where do you turn when that happens to you? What do you do? Where is your support? Sometimes when we are going through rough times, we can forget about what God has done to bring us this far and His promises to keep us going.