Ephesians 3:14-21
One of my favorite activities is going for a longer walk with my dog while listening to a message or podcast. I enjoy the outdoors, the funny behavior of my dog and learn from others while listening. One podcast I listened to through much of last year talked about the 4 D’s of the Christian Life. When I learned about them, I thought to myself, “I wish I would have known this way earlier in my Christian walk.” They summarize the Christian life in a way that doesn’t miss much.
I began to think about how easy it is to focus on one of the D’s above all the others. I also noticed that denominations of churches, individual churches, Christian groups and individual people can do this. As I look back over my life, I realized I’ve done that. I’ve focused on one of the D’s to the exclusion of the others. But all 4 are equally necessary. The 4 D’s show where worship fits into the totality of the Christian life. Since this is the final message on God pleasing worship for this Fall I wanted to share the 4 D’s with you. Then we’ll work through a passage where you can see how they show up. We’ll conclude with some ways to respond in light of the worship series.