Dear Graduate
I would like to congratulate you on your accomplishments. You have completed a course of study that will enable you to move to the next step of your life. We are so thankful to share this special time with you.
Today some of you are tired from your graduation ceremonies yesterday. Many of you still have exams to write. Some of you don’t actually know the answer to “what are you going to do now?” Graduation is a time of celebration, achievement and transition. There is some uncertainty, maybe some relief and some anticipation as to what’s next.
You may have heard some speeches recently along with well wishes and advice from those celebrating with you. So I would like to join their voices with some brief remarks today. But I have a confession to make. Since Pastor Justin normally brings the message on Grad Sunday, I haven’t done this in a long time. But I have a colleague that ministers in a town of 1200. He brings a challenge to the grads every year at their High School. So I asked him for some ideas and have jumped off of those to bring 8 brief appeals to you as graduates.
So here we go.