
1 Corinthians 13

1 Corinthians 13

Today is Mother’s Day - a wonderful opportunity to pay tribute to our Mom’s or the people who filled that role in our lives. But, it is also a terrifying day for a pastor. How does a male pastor preach a message on Mother’s Day to Mothers and Grandmothers when he does not know what it’s like to be a mother? I could go to Proverbs 31 and talk about the wife of noble character that no one can find. But, I’m not sure how encouraging that would be.

So maybe we need to start by thinking about the kids. Mother’s Day does imply children are part of the picture. So I thought I would turn to a woman to get some help for Mother’s Day. Hilary Price, the wife of Pastor Charles Price shared some quotes from kid’s in a mother’s day message she gave a few years ago. Someone asked some questions of elementary aged kids about the Old and New Testament. She quoted their answers verbatim with no spelling corrections. Here is what the kids said.