Hi everyone: It’s Pastor Tom. I wanted to give you a heads up on a few items in preparation for this Sunday’s Live Stream Service, May 10 @ 10:45 AM.
1. Update on “no singing at religious services” to “sing facing away from others.”
The Alberta government has added some clarification regarding their restrictions on singing. Here is the relevant section:
“Any gatherings with fewer than 15 people must not include activities that could promote disease transmission. This includes singing, even at religious gatherings. Singing in groups is a high risk activity as it promotes the transmission of the virus through respiratory droplets. Precautions should be taken, including:
There is no evidence to determine exactly what a safe distance would be between singers and others, but greater distances can reduce risk.”1
The first point seems to say that singers must be completely separate from one another. The second point then implies that people can sing in the same place but singers must be limited. The third point then implies singers singing in the same place but singing away from each other or having barriers between each singers.
2. Be ready for the Lord’s Supper
We will be having communion (Lord’s Supper) this Sunday. So we encourage you to prepare by having some bread or crackers along with some juice so you and your family can participate at the appropriate time.
3. Mother’s Day
Thank you Mom’s and Grandma’s for all that you do. We can’t do our usual flower giveaway this Sunday. But we do want to recognize you. There will be a video and then we will be praying for you during the prayer time. Also, we will pray for those who find Mother’s Day difficult for whatever reason.
4. Preparing for Sunday’s Message
This Sunday, I am starting a new message series from 2 Corinthians. You can read 2 Corinthians 1:1-11 in preparation. You can also find the message notes in these places: (Click the underlined link)
Afflictions & God's Comfort
2 Corinthians 1:1-11
1. What is God doing when we go through afflictions?
2. What are God's good purposes for us and others in afflictions?
3. How can we respond to God's involvement & good purposes in our afflictions?