Good Morning church. Last Sunday we talked about how our Faith is a Come and See faith. It is kind of like when you bite into a Kristy Kreme donut > you can’t describe the taste to someone else ..for they need to experience it themselves. In a similar way Jesus needs to be Experienced more than just Explained (by the way someone was watching the sermon online last Sunday in Maui, that sent me this picture of a Kristy Kreme shop down the road from where they were staying. So, the Big ideas we are building on from last week that as we COME AND SEE - Jesus and experience (feel) him in our lives (His acceptance/care/love/ presence) as individuals and as a church. The result should be that as someone watches Jesus being lived out in our personal lives during the week or as they enter this building something IRRESISTIBLE should happen. Because Jesus is Irresistible. But part of being and an irresistible church also - has to do with conversations.