My Mom was a very kind person. She would welcome many into our home for a visit and dinner. But I remember most her kindness to my friends and me. She would prepare snacks for us. She did those little things that made a home feel welcome. She was especially good in times of sickness. She didn’t shy away from those tough moments of caring for an unwell person whether it was her mother, my Dad or myself.
Then she became a grandmother. I witnessed again the kindness shown to my nephew and then our kids. She would make time to read with them, sit with them and even play with them. She would include our oldest in watering her flowers in the backyard. At the age of 80, she got down on her knees to play mini stick hockey with our son. She also loved reading to our youngest whenever we visited. You learn about a person’s heart when you spend time with them. You see what they do and how they treat others. I sure learned about my mother’s heart during those growing up years.