How Does God Respond to Those Who Have Lost Their Way?
Have you ever been lost? Have you experienced a situation where you did not know where you were or where to go? The invention of GPS or Google Maps has helped many people find their way when lost. But we can still happen. When it does happen, it can feel horrible. Back in the dark ages, when I was about 10 years old, my Dad sent me into a department store to do a small errand. I was to go in and up an escalator to find someone and give them a piece of information. Then I would return back to the car where my Dad waited. So I went in, went up the escalator but couldn’t find the person. So I went back down the escalator out the doors and went to the spot where my Dad had parked. But he wasn’t there. I remembered he had parked beside a power box. I saw the power box but there sat a strange car.