For Unto Us a Child is Born
It is almost here. Christmas Eve arrives on Tuesday and Christmas Day on Wednesday. Then we have a little less than a week before we go into the New Year – 2020. For old people like me, that seems hard to believe. Remember the turn of the century and millennium 20 years ago on the last night of 1999? Some greatly feared a collapse of world systems because of widespread computer failure. Yet the clock struck midnight, we entered the new millennium and now we’re 2 decades into it. So since Christmas and 2020 are just a few days away, I wonder how you’re thinking and feeling about the future? What word might best describe your outlook for Christmas, New Year’s and beyond? Excited; Ho Hum; Fearful; Anxious; Ordinary? What about hopeful? What place does hope have in your life? Hope is the feeling that what we want will happen or that events will turn out for the best. We feel hope when we look forward to something with reasonable confidence.