John 21:1-14
I hope you had a good summer. My summer has been really busy. But fortunately, I had an opportunity to take my kids fishing earlier in June, and it was really fantastic. We went to Lacombe Park Pond, which was great because it is wheelchair friendly, and the kids could fish from the edge. I think for me, I have a real special place in my heart for fishing because I remember fishing with my dad so much, and him teaching me about fishing and taking me to different lakes and streams. And also my Diet, my Grandpa would come and drive from Calgary and pick me up in Creston and we would drive another 45 minutes up the lake, in his little brown truck listening to his really old country music from his brown leather briefcase that had all the cassettes in. And we would drive to his favorite fishing spots and leave get out and he would teach me how to tie fishing hooks and Bobbers and he would ask me to go catch some Grasshoppers and I would if you would show me how to thread a grasshopper onto the hook and we cast the lines into the water and he would build little piles of rocks and stick the fishing rods in the rocks and put a little bell in the end so that we would be able to hear if we cut a fish and then he would lie down put his hat over his face and have a nap while I played trying to catch minnows or more grasshoppers or playing with rocks and sticks. Sometimes he would come and drive all that way and he wouldn't even end up throwing his own Rod into the water and he would just relax.