
Matthew 19:27-20:34

Matthew 19:27-20:34

It’s one thing to visit a foreign country as a tourist.  It’s quite another thing to live there permanently.  The adjustments required are  much more massive in scale.  Last week, we talked a bit about the reality of cultural differences.  Knowing these can help us when going  to visit another country.  But moving to a country requires significant time and patience to learn the new culture.  Many of you have been through such adjustments.  You have moved from another country to Canada.  Others have made similar adjustments in moves from different parts of the country; or you may have moved from the farm or small town to a larger city; or maybe you’ve moved from a hot climate to a cooler climate like ours. 
Whenever a move like that is made, it requires cultural adjustment.  Some people get to experience this when they go to school in another country.  A University that sends its students on foreign exchanges prepares them with an article about four common states of cultural adjustment.