
Matthew 7:1-6

Matthew 7:1-6

The most popular and widely known verse in the Bible used to be John 3:16. You would see it on posters at sporting events. Like here, this is the last out of the 2012 World Series. You would see it on t-shirts. Some did spin offs of this verse. It was a great verse if people looked it up – “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life.”

But I have not seen John 3:16 as much these last years. There is another verse widely quoted today. Most people don’t know where to find it in the Bible. Many might not even know who said it. Lots of people who would not call themselves Christians would know this verse. It shows up in high school hallways and around water coolers. It is dropped into conversations between parents and young adult children or between friends chatting on messenger. It is sometimes even quoted in public debates when it comes to rights for people. Or it’s raised by people who have chosen a path or a life mate that family, friends and peers criticize.

What is this verse that I would call the most popular verse in our world today?