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1 John 3:19-24

1 John 3:19-24

2014 is here. We are 5 days into another New Year. If you had to describe your outlook on this New Year in one word, what would it be? Excited? Scared? Anticipating? Anxious? Confident? Fearful? Ordinary? For some of you, 2014 holds the promise of a new baby; a new job; graduating from High School or College or University; going away to school; getting married or retiring. Some of you look forward to a new beginning, a new direction, adjusting to a new little one in your family; getting fit; going into a new school or celebrating a significant birthday or anniversary. Some of you have a decision to make about a relationship – will it go further; deeper or is it time to end it?

For others there might be things coming this year that you dread – further health issues or complications for you or a loved one; decisions about care for your aging parents; work change or finding a different job; retirement decisions; wondering what life will be like with your child this year; wondering what will happen with your parents; difficult courses; a lot of work ahead; a big decision to make; figuring out what life looks like without that loved one; or a decision about your faith in Christ. Will you grow in Christ, start growing in Christ or drift further away from Him?

We look into 2014 wondering what this year will bring. But no matter what we will face, we have a God who watches over us. Not only does He watch over us, He is our Father.

This assurance that we are God’s child is vital especially when we doubt our standing with God. Sometimes, we may wonder how God views us. We might doubt where He’s at, our status as God’s child when tragedy strikes, if we sin, If we think we could have done more, If we’re experiencing failure, If we’ve made a big mistake, If we’re sick, or dying, If we’re stuck at work or in life, if nothing is happening in that relationship, if things aren’t working out, If we’re not sure what to do in life or if something new has come into your life whether you want it or not. You might wonder if God still sees you as His child or if God still watches over you.