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Acts 13:26-33a

Acts 13:26-33a

In a pluralistic society, we are told that all religions are the same, equivalent, lead to the same God, etc.
How can we present Jesus in a nutshell, simple way, in an attractive way?
A way that avoids confrontation, sparks curiosity/interest, & questions
While underscoring His uniqueness and avoiding a war of religions
That would cause someone to think about it and reflect
Acts 13:26-32
Somehow loosely from the text and pull out 3 facts/arguments to be presented about Jesus Christ.
How is Jesus & Christianity different & unique from other religions in the market place?
I would like to propose to you an easy way to present Jesus that has substance & provokes reflection & discussion; Jesus was announced by the OT (9v.27), appointed by the Father (29-30) and attested by the apostles (v.31). Easy to remember!