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All Ladies welcome, including young ladies grade 6 and up. Bring a friend!

Join us at Cardiff Lake (about 15 mins north of town, near Morinville) where you can sit around the campfire and visit, walk around the beautiful park, or get out on the water in a kayak or paddleboard. Click here for map.

  • When:  Friday, September 13th, 6- 10pm
  • What to bring: a lawn chair, a drink and a snack, or a lawn game if you have one!
  • Additional activities: For those interested, kayak and stand-up paddle board rentals are available. No previous experience necessary - quick training is provided. Pre-book your own rental for the 7-9 pm time slot, approx. $35 for 2 hours.  Click here to prebook.

Whether you prefer to sit and visit, go for a stroll, play lawn games, or get out on the water, there will be something for everyone!

For more info email: or see card invites at the Resource Table.