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Recently, I have been wrestling with my position in life. I’m sure you have felt the same at one point in time or another. You are happy with where you are, but not entirely. You feel like there is something more for you, that perhaps even God is speaking to you in some way, and letting you know that He has something more for you. Maybe you have direction on it, maybe you don’t. Yet in your heart, you feel apprehension. 

Your first reaction is to recoil at the thought of big change. More schooling, new career, moving away, serving in a ministry; these are all examples of big life changes that can bring us great apprehension, even when all the logic in the world is there for us to make the change. 

I know that I have felt this way for a few months now. I feel like it is time for the next stage of my life, and that will involve more schooling. I approach this reality with as a mixed bag. Many aspects of schooling I enjoy, and many I do not. I know that it will require a lot from me, even if the result is only beneficial. 

What does God say about apprehension? What does the Lord say to us when we are scared about moving into something important for our growth, the refining fire? There are answers for us from Scripture. 2 Timothy 1:7, “For God gave us a spirit, not of fear, but of power and love and self-control.” Proverbs 29:25, “The fear of man lays a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is safe.” What can we learn from this when we are apprehensive about the future?

Well, firstly we have a spirit of power and love and self-control. The spirit which God gave us is not locked down in fear, nor anxiety, nor anger or malice. Our spirits are ones ready for holiness, ready for strength and change. You are ready to make the change in your life that you need. Secondly, it is our carnal nature, our sinful flesh, that lays a trap of fear for us. We are our own chains; we create our own issue in this way. God alleviates this fear. It is only Him who can guide us into what’s next as we trust in Him. This doesn’t mean we just jump into whatever we want without thought or care. It means we pray and supplicate for our decisions; we listen to the Spirit’s prompting, we seek wise counsel amongst brothers and sisters in our decisions. Finally, we ACT! We have to act!

Too many brothers and sisters get to the point of prayers and supplications, and simply stay there. They just pray and pray, and when God doesn’t react with an audible signal, or bring them what they want, they just continue to pray. Sometimes they may even miss what He has for them, because they’ve spent so long in prayer! We must then act once we have prayed, and supplicated, or fasted, and sought wise counsel. Once we’ve done these things, we must move! Our God is not a god of stagnation. He is not a god of mediocrity. He wants the best for us, and He wants the best from us. Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.”, Isaiah 40:31, “But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.”

Walk with fervency into the next season of your life; God is with you. 

1 Comment

Curtis about 2 years ago

Amen my friend.

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