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This Sunday, January 14,2018,  we begin our journey through the book of Revelation. I am excited to explore the last book of the Bible together and to see what God will do among us while we reflect on His word. To help us get the most out of our time together, I would like to hear from you. What questions do you have about Revelation? What do you experience when you read it? What do you hope to gain during our time in this book? You can either respond to this post generally or you can message me individually ( with your questions. I will try to address them throughout this series. But let’s together join in with what God has for us in His Revelation.


Elaine Bruns over 6 years ago

Rev 3:5 - ".... I will not blot his name out of the book of life, ....." Does this infer that once a name is written in the Lamb's book of life, it can be blotted out? Or is this a "if it were even possible" phrase?
Thanks Pastor Tom.

Riley Kennion over 6 years ago

It is glad to know about new books and paperwritingpro dissertation services also liked new edition of books. Many people like to read interesting book revelation and they are enhancing their knowledge. People are getting good experience by reading this book.

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