Sometimes, it helps to list specific character traits or actions of God. I find this helps focus my prayers and strengthens my faith. So my Bible readings this morning (Psalm 140, Judges 15, Matthew 11:18-19; Mark 5:21-43) revealed this about God.
• Strong deliverer.
• Hears cries for mercy.
• Shields my head in day of battle.
• Secures justice for the poor.
• Upholds the cause of the needy.
• Empowers His servants to carry out His will.
• Raises the dead.
With all these in mind, I have a little more color around the title “God” when I pray or think about life. So here’s how I might apply this to my life and perspective today.
The Lord is not only my deliverer. He is my Strong deliverer. So rest in the reality that He will deliver me to the uttermost from my sin.
The Lord hears my cries for mercy. So if I ask for mercy, I have confidence that He will hear and respond with wisdom.
The Lord secures justice for the poor. How can I join Him in this cause in my life?
The Lord upholds the cause of the needy. How am I upholding a needy person’s cause?
The Lord empowers His servants to carry out His will. What do I need to ask God for today so I can receive His empowering to do His will?
The Lord raises the dead. I can live with renewed joy and awe over my salvation, which the Lord backs up with HIs resurrection power.
Even if I only apply one of these to my life today, it seems like drawing near to who God is and has revealed Himself to be.
I pray you will experience encouragement as you see God and His keen interest in your daily life when you soak in His word.
“Lord God, your name is casually tossed around as an expression of frustration or surprise. But there is so much more behind your name. Help us to see you more clearly and live today in Your light.”